
By Pinkhairedlady


A busy old day started with a very warm walk on the railway path before lunch with Phin. The car temperature read 16 degrees when I was heading home. No wonder I was puggled.

After lunch I seemed to lose the day sitting out washing as it was another great drying day. Made tuna melt patties for dinner with store cupboard ingredients which turned out to be surprisingly tasty.

We headed into the Usher Hall to see Public Service Broadcasting and lucked out when the people in front moved to other seats vacant seats so we could both enjoy an Aussie seat. The concert was the best one yet of the 4 times we’ve seen the band. The support - a group from the Wirral, She drew the gun - were also pretty decent.
Home too late to blip.

Thanks to jensphotos for hosting TinyTuesday. My mystery objects are some of my mum’s collection of button hooks. It felt right to post these as today marked 15 years since we lost my dad to liver cancer.

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