living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


Today we flew into (and over) the blue. Here's Chickpea checking the whole thing out before boarding- it was the first time flying she will remember and Monkey's first time ever. It actually went MUCH better than anticipated. You would think 20+ hours of travelling with one 3 1/2 year old and a very very busy 1 1/2 year old is the stuff of nightmares but, happily, Monkey actually slept a lot of the time. In fact, I got to watch a WHOLE in-flight film, watching a whole film these days is pretty unheard of. Too bad it wasn't actually a very good one. ;) When Monkey wasn't sleeping he happily read stories, snacked and played stacking and pouring games with a bunch of coloured plastic shot glasses we found at the 99p shop. Chickpea loved the novelty of having her own screen and headphones to watch whatever she wanted and spent most of her time doing that. They were both shattered by the time we landed (as were we) and it was good to finally make it to our destination. Happy times with family ahead!

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