
By Teasel


Another lovely morning, but rather chilly. There was lots going on at work today, and a continuation of lots of people pulling together to get stuff done. I never cease to be amazed at how supportive my colleagues are when we seem to be faced with ridiculous tasks.

I managed to escape the office for a late lunch break. I went in search of something I had spotted recently, but the shop didn’t have it in my size. It was then back to work for a busy afternoon.

Once home I spent some time looking for some stuff that has been mislaid, I still haven’t found them. Later I popped out to the supermarket, and then baked a lemon drizzle cake. When I took it out of the oven it had sunk-disaster!! Hopefully it will taste ok.

There were a few sprinklers watering the turf in St Andrew’s Square at lunchtime.

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