
You know where it is, the one with the Doig on and all those coloured pillars. I like what they've done with it.

Saw our house guest off this morning and then off into town with the family for lunch and for the girls to spend some Christmas/birthday/holiday/miscellaneous money they had left. I don't know why they had money left from somewhere to spend but I'm assured that they did. Nearly made a fringe show that looked pretty interesting but the half-price tickets for it could only be bought at the half-price hut not at the venue that I'd gone straight to so I had to pass as it was about to start in a few minutes time. Hopefully be half-price another day too and I'll get my timings right. Or not go out for lunch first and then have to walk very quickly through town.

Bit of music to finish with. The best track I've heard since yesterday afternoon.

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