Leaf Gall

First may I thank you who commented on yesterdays blip, I still don't really know how to express my feeling on the demise of " Groves Farm". I don't think I am saddened or emotionally upset by it, more disorientated and slightly robbed of part of my past! How all the members of the owners family feel I can not contemplate.
Back to today, these leaf gall on a rose briar in the sunlight caught my eye. They are caused by an insect injecting its eggs into the plant. The gall being the plants reaction to try and defend itself. I just found the form and colour interesting , I hope you do too.
At work stood down again while we wait for the crops to ripen ( must look in my harvest book to see how far behind we are ) seems a waste of the good weather. Still we can't beat mother nature and her vagaries.
Have a good weekend one and all ;¬}

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