Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible


Another busy day today. Two coats of varnish on the staircases. Tidy up ready for the cleaner. Shopping and a trip in to London.

The trip to London was great, we had a pre theatre dinner in the Modern American Steak House (MASH). Brilliant. Not for the vegetarians!!! Not cheap!!!!! But top notch steaks, chilli chips etc. Very good. The off to see "The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night". It was a good performance and an interesting show.

It was fun and an interesting portrayal of the difficulties faced by an autistic person. However (as is often the case) it chooses as it's subject a high functioning savant autistic person. As I understand it - these are extremely rare. I felt the audience may leave the theatre thinking this is autism. The reality is for most very different indeed.

Before all that we arrived early for dinner (miracles will never cease). So we had to go to the pub!

It was so strange to see the boys settling down to have a beer with aplomb and having a civilised conversation. I remember well the days when stopping anywhere for more then twenty minutes would have been near impossible. As for actually having a conversation - no chance. How times have changed!

With family around - no time for arty farty photos I'm afraid - though I did try.

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