The Refrigerator Saga

Now who blips a picture of their refrigerator? Well, I do. And, let me tell you why. We purchased this refrigerator in 2000 when we remodeled our kitchen. Our old Frigidaire was about 26 years old, and had seen better days. Roger, our son, built the cabinets, and we wanted a fridge with the built-in look, which he did nicely. This one is an Amana, and is designed to be built in. Every so often it will start running continuously and warm up a bit. That's a sign that it needs to be dusted out underneath. Well, a little over a week ago, it warmed up considerably and was running continuously. The freezer should be at 0 degrees F, and the fridge should be about 34 degrees F. They were running about 22 and 46 degrees respectively, and the ice maker was not working. So, Monday morning, Roger dutifully got down on the floor on his belly and with the help of the Dyson, did some dusting. He said there was about an inch of dust in the back that he couldn't reach. So, we pulled it out and cleaned thoroughly.

I was sure that would solve the problem. It didn't. So, I finally decided it was not going to fix itself, and I would need to call a repairman. But, who do you call that you can trust? Well, last night I noticed that it was a wee bit cooler. This morning both fridge and freezer were running at the proper temperature and the ice maker was working. So, after deciding it was not going to fix itself, it did!

Now, my question is, if I had called a repairman, would he have told me there was nothing wrong with it and only charged me for a service call? Or, would he have "fixed" it and relieved me of two or three hundred dollars and left me thinking he really did fix it?

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