Conference day 3
More relevant yet irrelevant talks today. It's how real scientists do real science. I've always felt (as with much in life) as everyone else does it a lot better than me. I always wish I would be in a lab where this kind of real science is done. Not the half arsed stuff I seem to end of doing - where we are focused on small irrelevant details.
Anyway, free lunch and dinner (pictured). Italian tonight (I missed Mexican last night). Spent another 4 hours in the lab this afternoon wrangling with our work and databases. Returned to the meeting this evening for the free food (best thing so far) and to show my face so the boss knows I'm around. Sat outside the lecture theatre and watched the televised screening whilst finishing up some bits of work that never get time to in the lab. Sneaked out before the last talk and home to the wife and dog. One more day to go....
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