A Ginger's Life

By leviathan616

The Quack Angel Cometh!

Decided to have a day inside today - mainly due to the weather but also because I was feeling slightly under the weather. However, my parents managed to give me really good parental advice - drink and be merry! It seems to have worker for me! We went to restaurant near a duck pond - don't worry I don't think the pond was the restaurant!! Had a grandiose meal the asked the waiter if he had any bread for the ducks! (Oh, boy did I sound like a really big kid!!) But the waiter left quite a large amount of rolls and we went outside to engage the ducks - Indeed it was an engagement - there were at least 50 ducks - they just kept a coming!! I thought this pic was amusing and created the feeling for how swarmy the ducks really were!! (They nearly ate my phone when I dropped it!!)

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