Holiday # 2 Home

I haven't seen any ladybird's this year until this morning (and there was only one all alone)! I remembered the poem we used to say...but not all the words and couldn't find it online :)

Ladybird, ladybird fly away home
Your house is on fire and your children all gone

Today I'm at home 'pottering about'.

I've been to the supermarket and then to B&Q and I bought some paint!

I want to paint the landing area which is basically doors and two walls and won't take too long. Its looking very grimy and the ancient carpet which I can't afford to replace yet, doesn't make it any better. So I bought White Cotton, which will probably make it look even worse.... Anyway, its a change from grimy magnolia :)

I haven't decorated this part of the house since moving in 11 summers ago! There is also a much bigger challenge which I definitely won't be able to do alone (I don't think) and that is the stairwell which goes all the way up to the bedroom ceiling height from the ground floor ~ still trying to work out a method (any suggestions would be very helpful!)

I've also shredded three sacks worth of old bank account statements (going back to the 1990's)! Thought it was about time I got rid of them and make some space in my files. I don't know why but my paperwork at home is in such a mess compared to at work... One day it will all be up to date and organised :)

Does anyone know how long we're supposed to keep payslips? I've got them since I started work many years ago... If I just keep the P60's does that do (and how long for)?

Rather a grey start to the day, but I'm hoping to get out in the garden a bit later on too :)

Oh yes, and I've almost finished one book I bought yesterday!

Happy Saturday folks :)

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