
By olib


In St John's Episcopal church, Edinburgh. And beneath this extraordinarily elegant ceiling, Africa Entsha, five guys from Soweto performed the most vibrant, compulsive, infectious hour of a capella singing and dancing that I have ever experienced. I was completely gripped. They were discovered busking in a backwater of Johannesburg and really came to public attention when they sang at the World Cup opening ceremony. But if ever the ludicrously impossible cliché of "giving something 110%" could have any meaning, it is to describe their performance. I feel that all the choirs I have ever sung in have been insipid, tame, amateur affairs in comparison. Not, you understand, that I would expect to hear Africa Entsha singing Palestrina or Elgar, but in terms of commitment and communication.

And they seemed such modest, nice guys too! You can see four of them in Cathaber's blip of yesterday, here.

Earlier, we saw aprecious's brilliant play The Silence of Friends, so well described in Paulaj's blog here.

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