The day to start is today

By Traci

“I love deadlines

. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

No matter how many times I see these incredible Red Arrows it never ceases to put the questions in my head How? Why? Whoaaaa ! As you listen to the comentary and over the controls instructions it is just bloody amazing that well not to say it out loud after last year but you know what I mean. 800 hundred miles an hour to pass within a hairs breath of a similarly speedy object coming your way - I don't understand the physics of it all but I don't think I would do very well at the steering wheel gripping on for dear life, closing my eyes and breathing in .... because that helps apparently !!!

A question to ponder today. How would you sort YOUR lego into 3 boxes !!! we are putting it away for awhile and decided to see what we have. We (my youngest and I) eventually decided that flatties (boards etc ) into one, standard size blocks of any top dimension) into box 2 and other odd bits (slopes wheels windows etc) in the other. But that took a lot of discussion and I do believe it may be being adjusted as we speak ( I may have to check later) but as long as it is all clean now to be stored away I don't suppose I should worry that much

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