
By DonnaWanna


The day dawned grey and raining. However Jake seemed to know something was different and as soon as breakfast was done he was sitting by the door. It was still raining so I said No and he looked so disappointed.

I had a coffee and sat at the computer to look at the rain radar and it seemed pretty certain that it would be stopping soon. Just as I thought it was time to let him in on the fact that we were definitely going for a little walk, down came the rain again for a final burst!

Eventually I was able to say the magic word "walk" to him and he was off downstairs like a crazy dog! I had a bit of trouble getting the new harness onto him the right way and I could feel him getting really impatient :)

Finally when we were set and I opened the door he dragged me out and we set off at a cracking pace....until we got off the main road and onto the side road where he was stopping every couple of steps to sniff every blade of grass, pee on every second blade and repeat, repeat, repeat.

He was so deliriously happy to be outside he definitely had a smile on his face :)

I was amazed at the changes that had happened over the past few weeks. So many beautiful flowers had blossomed and there were lots of other interesting things I wanted to capture but it was very hard to get Jake to stop.

I was amazed at this beautiful Grevillea, we've had so much rain over the last few weeks that these flowers are a bit water damaged but still very beautiful! There were heaps of bees but the one on this flower zoomed to the back just as I took this and I didn't get another chance before I was whisked away by the dog!

For a look at how relaxed and happy he ended up after the walk have a look here

I think it's official- Jake has recovered! :)

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