Took a quick walk between dinner and Jeopardy and snapped a fast one. It has been raining and storming very violently, and the break in the weather was a good chance to get out and feed the mosquitoes.

Michele is a bit low regarding the new job. Seems the entire corporation has no qualms about sticking it to people nor anything except revulsion at the idea of being green in any way. She'll find a new direction soon, I am sure.

I'm working on getting my health up so I can get on a plane and see that grandson again. I am finally able to do yoga daily, so this will be a big help towards getting the energy to get there. I'd like to visit the eldest in MA too. And I'd love to be in about six places at once. Oh well.

It's hard to leave during hurricane season in a way, because evacuating with the pets and getting the house shuttered and prepared is something I have to be here to do. I just don't know that I could get a flight back home during the warnings to leave. Yikes, these are the things on my brain a lot. I should just jump on a plane and go. I really wish we were all closer together, because flying is still something I find it hard to initiate doing.

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