Tiny tiger stripes.

Bit of a grey day ...... somebody has stolen the sunshine ..... so if you have any to spare ......

I have checked on the caterpillar progress ...... they have now eaten their way through nearly half the leaf & are still growing. I will try to get another shot of them in a few days.

Having examined the patch of rocket ...... I've found two more clusters of eggs (so far) & another lot of caterpillars that look to be at about the same stage of development ...... that is as well as the single Small White eggs on several of the leaves.

While I was on my safari for eggs & caterpillars I saw this tiny hoverfly ....... it was only about 1cm long ....... I was lucky enough to get this shot before it flew off. So here is today's offering ..... do hope you like it :-)

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments, stars & hearts on yesterday's Peacock butterfly ....... so pleased you all liked it :-))

Hope everyone is having a great weekend :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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