The Giraffe Emporium

By Talia

It's amazing what a few words on a screen can do..

... to change your mood.

I was very happy today, 2 hours of easy work and a day spent shopping with mother. Spending my own money... and mothers money (she offered). Bought this mug from M and S says 'capture the moment' on the other side. Great for a budding photographer. Finishing watching 'Pillow Talk' a classic 60's film.

A little text message... only about 2 sentences... anger is a horrible emotion.

I'm too angry to reply immediately. Actually I'm completely baffled. confusion is also a horrible emotion.

Am I meant to be happy? if the shoe was on the other foot you'd get an absolute bollocking (excuse my language, I feel it's warranted)

Just want to see people. One reason is living too far, one reason.... well actually another reason is daft.

This blogging business... it's actually a great way to vent. marvellous

Issue over in terms of rant on blip.

(I do love my new mug) (Also todays blip was meant to be much more... 'proper photography' but.... emotions)

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