my life in print

By sjcian

We are warriors!!!

We successfully completed our first 5k obstacle course today!!! It was great. My husband (who has not been working out lately) was worried about being able to complete it, but after we completed it in under an hour he was pretty impressed. We are camping at the resort where the race was held, so we'd been able to scope out the obstacles before running the race. I have to admit that the one obstacle I thought would be pretty easy wasn't so easy after all. We had to climb over walls, crawl under barbed wire, swim across a channel, wade over a water obstacle, jump over flames, and lastly wallow through a mud pit with barbed wire above our heads. We were covered in mud from head to toe. I even had mud up my nose and in my left ear. It was a blast though and the beers at the end were quite refreshing!!! We will definitely be signing up for another next summer. Now it's time to light another fire and enjoy our final camping night before heading home and back to the real world. :)

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