old acquaintance

Wiseley gardens with our old neighbours from yesteryear..we dont see them much as we should or would want to....circumstances etc etc ...damn my shift work sometimes... an occupational hazard that can be detrimental to your popularity. Wisely looked resplendent ..many frames shot ..of course.. my poor cameras are gonner be shagged out at this rate..in excess of 2000 frames shot a 24 hour period.. thats a lot of editing.. mondays job...3 bands to do..plus the moulettes which is on tomorrows menu..it truly has been a busy weekend.
Tonite the world famous red sox were playing.. thats one of jamie moses little projects ...he was on form blagging, joking his way through the set as only he can...he calls it charm,, we call it comedy, put in the pot is the making of a great nite out. The radio station on the trip back was a little distressing...Radio suicide was going for the juggler, Blacks wonderful world
followed by simon and garfunkle bridge over troubled waters ...could feel people reaching for the jar of tablets or razors blades all over the south of england..simon and garfunkle had such a way of dealing with their quiet rage and intellectual anx by writing some great tunes and then bashing each other and us on the head with them.. indeed good tunes to break up to..quarrel over and generally being depressed over..even bright eyes sends ya into a pool of tears as the bunny buys the big stairway to heaven trip. Anyway,, 10 past one in the am...really should call it quits ..remember in the words of black.. its a wonderful life....little blue tablets do help..

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