
By Beckett

OUTBACK AUSTRALIA..... Back When...#2

.... due to the indication of interest from my Blip from "Back When" the other day thought would pop #2 on for you today.
Again, sadly I do not have a lot of info about it as these pics came to me after my Dad passed last year and we did not know he had these really old ones.
What I do know is my Grandma (Dads mum) maiden name was Kahl and I do remember she talking about a family member who made coaches and was a blacksmith outback.
My thinking again is that it is north east South Australia or into New South Wales north west area, as remember Grand Dad who did the water bore drilling operated around there.
But, for all I know it may be up in the Rockhampton are in Queensland as they spent some time up there when Dad was young.
Where ever it is - thought you may be interested as to see this happening in outback Australia "somewhere".

Have a look in LARGE


... many thanks also for your kind comments and stars and hearts for yesterdays flowering Prunus shot lifting it to the Spotlight page ...if only for a short while, much appreciated.

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