A family that plays together
Stays together. Angus and I went for a calorie burn at the Skaha bluffs climbing cliffs but left it way too late in the day.. It was stinking hot at 38 degrees and the wind had died so we didn't get very far. We tried to find shade under the big 'Doctor's Wall' and ending up watching this family climbing in one of the best shady spots. While Mum was tackling what looked to be a tricky climb, Dad was teaching his daughter how to handle the belay (Mum did have to keep yelling to them to concentrate on her as she didn't want to be falling to her death!) Her older sister was immersed in a book and I loved that the parents were bringing their kids up to love the great outdoors, happy to be there rather than in the cool of the mall, and working together as a team. ( and not a cell phone in sight)
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