City of Rocks

Side-ways I see them,
Like the studding of gems.
They do so entreat me,
The tall, sweep of them.

Red-rocks encase them,
And they do so inspire.
As I see them there standing,
And I admire.

All through my childhood,
I have watched through my eyes.
As they majestically stood there,
Giving length to their rise.

I have grown so to love them,
And I long for their view.
As they there traced deeply,
In the far realms of blue.

I see them so beautifully,
Stretched far in the skies.
They are a spectacle of splendor,
In the way that they rise.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

Michael Robertson on the 'Intruding Dike' route on Breadloaves in City of Rocks, Almo, Idaho USA

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