Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Here, fishy fishy fishy!

This little fishy is one of our new goldfish in our pond. We [finally] got the pond clean & running again. Phil added plants and our friend gave us a few fish. One of them is a butterfly goldfish with long wavy fins. We've got about 15 baby goldfish, too, but they are black and impossible to find. I'll be taking more pictures of the pond now! It looks so pretty and the waterfall is a joy to listen to. It is quite a challenge to take good pictures of fish under the water.

Our little froggy (from yesterday's blip - no, I don't know how to make a link) was served a feast of dead cricket. It's as big as he is! He's not interested yet.

While at the pet store, the kids got to pick out some fresh water fish for our little community tank.

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