
By fennerpearson


How quickly the weather changes! After swimming this morning, Dan, Abi and I went to Booths to buy food for a barbecue, which we planned to enjoy with one or two of their sisters, this evening. By mid-afternoon, when this photo was taken, the fire was lit for the first time in months and we were playing indoor games.

Abi loves this Bingo game because she likes turning the drum, collecting the ball and reading out the number. And, frankly, that is the best bit of the game. Dan was happily reading but, like the good-natured chap that he is, put his book down to play (on the understanding that it was for only one game).

The barbecue was delayed until the sunny weather came back and in the end we did the burgers under the grill.

On the upside, later on when I couldn't decide what I fancied to eat, I remembered the strawberries and crème fraîche that I'd bought to tuck into while they had their marshmallows.

The rain's still hammering down now but I *love* going to sleep when I can hear the rain.

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