...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Miles was in a much better mood today. Probably because he started the day with Mimi and Grandpa C babysitting while Mitch and I worked on the rental house. I heard he had lots of fun reading, playing outside and running around while we were gone. I came home in time to put him down for a nap but quickly had to turn around and leave for more work in the rental. Luckily nana was able to swing by to be there while he napped and when he woke up. Miles was spoiled today with lots of grandparent love! Here is a picture of Miles and Mimi reading this morning.

Once Mitch and I were done with our busy day, Miles and I had a 'piano-off' where we took turns challenging each other with songs playing and singing on the piano. We practiced 'happy birthday to Charlotte' a lot in preparation for Charlottes visit in a few weeks.

Side note. Tonight Miles saw a butterfly on a TV commercial and Miles said, "Look mommy! A butterfly. Butterfly's have wings that go flap flap flap high in the sky mommy"
He amazes me. Everyday.

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