
By Stace91

Banana Bread!!!

Home made you ask? Why yes. Yes it is :-)

And delicious ;-)

Thought I would stay in today to save my energy for tonight's rehearsal. I may go somewhere tomorrow I have not quite decided. The magpies have begun swooping so all you Aussie blippers be careful! I almost got attacked yesterday walking my dog.

Usually at this time of year until December I don't go out unless in a group (they are apparently less likely to attack), but if it is raining I might go somewhere... They wouldn't be bothered to attack me in the rain right? I mean if I were a magpie I wouldn't want to leave my nest and get caught in the rain.

Anyway being home isn't all bad when you can bake :-)

Hope you all had a great weekend and a lovely Monday. Thank you for all your lovely comments and stars for yesterday's blip :-)

Stacy xx

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