Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

When Miss Pink looked like this, Master Pink used to play the Crawling Game with her. The game mainly involved Miss Pink crawling around and Master Pink also crawling alongside, sometimes he'd be in front, sometimes he'd chase her. They both loved it and both ended up giggling lots! Well today Cousin B came to stay at Grandmas with her mummy and Daddy, and Master Pink played the crawling game with her. The two of them were like this for ages. Miss Pink had baby Annabel in her pram, and she pushed this alongside B and her toddle truck. The mini Pinks are very much in love with their cousin and can't wait to see her again tomorrow.

B has changed lots even since her first birthday at the end of June. She has more hair and is babbling away. She especially enjoys Aeroplanes and stroking Grandmas dog. She also a super speedy crawler, and trying very hard to get upright. It was lovely to see my two enjoying being with their cousin, I hope they grow up being good friends.

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