Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Central Pillars

Another Central Library blip... But it seemed to be looking particularly epic today! This man had obviously been taking pictures too which endeared him to me immediately.

It's been a relatively quiet few days but Spokes and I did venture out for a beachside cuppa yesterday and accidentally wandered into a Victoria Wood sketch.

Me (jauntily): I'd like a toasted teacake please my good fellow!
Employee (astonished): What? Aren't you having an ice cream?!
Me (confused and pointing at menu): Well, no. If that's alright with you. I was really hoping for a teacake. As listed, here, on the menu.
Employee (sceptically): Very well madam. On your own head be it. Anything else?
Spokes (seeking to restore good customer/staff relations): Could I have a cream tea, please?
Employee (entirely discombobulated): A cream tea????
Spokes (speaking a little more slowly and pointing at the window): A cream tea. It's advertised in the window.
Employee (groping helplessly towards a straw that might be clutched at): A cream tea. Do you mean a cup of tea with cream in it?
Spokes (with infinite patience): No. It's a scone with jam and cream. As advertised in the window.
Employee (with newfound self-assurance): Only, we don't do tea with cream. No, indeed. But we do offer a scone with jam and cream.
Me (doing a comedy double-take and pointing at Spokes): That's what she just said!!
Employee (wilting): But there isn't a button for it on the till...
Spokes (helpfully): It says in the window that it's £3.50 - a bargain, I thought! - and it comes with a choice of tea or coffee.
Employee (brightening): So, which tea would you like with it?
Spokes (furrowing brow): Actually, I'd like a coffee.
Employee (in the manner of one to whom coffee is an entirely new concept): A 'coffee'? Well, I suppose so, if you must... And will that be all?
Me (almost apologetically): A peppermint tea as well, please.
Employee (in the manner of one who has just won the lottery): Ah! Now, there IS a button for that on the till!
Spokes (helpfully): And did you remember the teacake?
Employee (scratching head and looking quizzical): Teacake?!

We did get everything eventually but were short-changed by 40p and the cream (on the scone... not in the tea) was that fake squirty stuff not the real, clotted, deal. But what do you expect for £3.50!

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