Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

For Lana

Received a forwarded copy of a message today from Lana, a lady I have known for a few years in a professional capacity, initially at my current company and more recently in my work with Cranfield university. Long story short, Lana has been taken ill recently and was given the news just the other day that she has a rare and very aggressive form of cancer. In her message, she seems to be talking days, not weeks, months or years. The only treatment on offer is aggressive chemotherapy which in itself could prove useless or even fatal.

So ....... I wasn't in the mood to blip anything jolly or frivolous and felt that this picture kind of conveyed the mood that such news conveys on those who receive it. I can only begin to imagine how Lana feels right now and how she felt when she composed that message. It must have felt unreal.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you Lana. No one deserves this, let alone you.

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