Just Ducky

Big Blipmeet today but due to stupidly restrictive dog laws I was not invited.
N.Z has very restrictive dog laws compared to the USA or European countries and this is born largely out of a culture that dogs are for rounding up sheep and stuff and the very large pet ownership in this country is largely ignored.
Dogs keep hitting the headlines because they have caused big trouble and injured folk but our less responsible members of society continue to own breeds that are renown for this behaviour and the newspapers get easy news weekly because of it.
We are all micro chipped but The Boss really can’t see who benefitted from this except the manufactures of microchips and to add to the PR thing, large numbers of folk don’t pick up after their dogs and are not going to change this behaviour any time soon.
So I stayed home while The Boss, acyclinggranny and mumahen met with Gingernan and daring2go at a local café and enjoyed a grrreat morning.

The day had started badly with total fog but by the time they all left the café this image was available and I got to have a mini stickathon. (shorter circuit due to the temperature) Not an electrical fault…OK?

Meanwhile in the Beehive (N.Z’s Parliament house) there is legislation that will allow individual businesses to decide their own dog policy and maybe things will sloooowly change and I will be able to go to Blip meets too.
Oh...AND The Boss learnt something too. He now has these emoticon thingies on his phone and can text dog footprints. BIG BREAKTHROUGH EH!
Thanks Ginger.

Even duckier?

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