Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Permanent Resident

Today's blip title really has two meanings. Let me explain....

This welcome swallow is one of a pair that seem to stay at our place all year round. None of that flying somewhere else for the winter, oh no. Instead they call their digs, under the eaves in the gable above our bedroom window, their full time home.

The other reason the title is apt, is that we've had a family of swallows living with us ever since we bought the old woodshed that our home once was. They used to nest in the beams out in the covered yards area that used to stand in the area just outside where our french doors are now. When we took the old building down, I was concerned about the eviction, but after one season in a 'holiday home' they moved right back in to their current nest.

We've seen clutches of chicks come and go, their chirps wafting through the open windows in the warmer months. I love watching the chicks (up to seven of them!) stuffed into their tiny little mud, spit and reed nests. It's reassuring that they're as happy here as we are.

This swallow was one of the pair that were buzzing the window as I leant out trying to scare off some rabbits earlier. Considering that Spring is nearly here, perhaps they didn't want me disturbing the peace as they start to think about their next clutch...

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