An Evening Like This

It was an evening like this, when Mr. Contraptioneer sat looking out this window at the evening light after installing the window for Mother Comfort's return home.

As I said goodbye to Mother Comfort's quilt blocks, realizing that the moment they were sold, they were no longer a part of the Mother Comfort world we have become so familiar with, I became a little melancholy, knowing there is no way to keep all of her creations under one roof any longer. As I walk around this house that is almost fully set up for the sale...yet still so much to be done...I realize there is this subtle denial that settles in. The hint of a belief that I'm just playing 'store' and after we get done arranging everything, we will put it all away and all will be as it was. Yet, it will never be as it was. Every change is a forever change, in this case. Our goal to have everything out by the end of the month, still seems impossible to reach. Yet it has to be possible, so it is.

I look past the sunlit evening and see freshly painted walls, new cabinets, floors, a restored yard and fence around the property. I see a family needing a home just like this one, the perfect fit. I see a hot shower and a long sleep in....and waffles for breakfast...eventually.

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