The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Wet, wet, wet ...

I'm going to stop mentioning my mornings - take it as read! ;-)

After lunch I headed to the coast - when I left home it was lovely and sunny, but as I drove there the sky blackened and the heavens opened ... by the time I got to Barmston the sun came out and it looked stunning ..

I walked along the coastal path .. the grass was chest height - and soaking! So I got sodden to the skin!

At the end of the path the heavens opened again. My bird group man would have been horrified - he encourages people to wear dull colours so we blend in and don't frighten the wildlife - but I'd put on my emergency lilac, plastic poncho which flapped in the wind!

The only birds I saw were these sand martins in the cliff ..

I walked back to the van and spotted this poor soggy bee!

I meant to blip one of the things in the links - but I was so pleased to see the foxes doing something different, I just had to blip that!

Not sniffing flowers - but chasing bees, I expect!

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