The smoking gardener and his red hot poker

I promise you that I did not realise until I reviewed my pictures that I had inadvertently captured that slightly unfortunately placed Red Hot Poker flower sticking out. I just think it so funny that I must share it with you. I hope that it does not cause offence to anyone - honestly. You are going to have to trust me that b&w is the best option.... in colour you would be reaching for your smelling salts!

Assuming this Blip is not suspended, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all you lovely people for edging my fluffy bee into the spotlight yesterday... what a thrill! I really was quite overwhelmed by all your wonderful comments, stars and hearts. You really made my Monday! Pete was a little worried that he might have to widen the door frame so that I could get my big head through it when I got home last night.

Back down to earth today and shockingly busy... only time to blip the antics of the gardener across the way.

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