
By mandygf

first day at school. ..

For Cooper. ...

& 4th year for Teegan. ..

Well we all survived the first day... we woke up with "I cant do this its far too early... you can't expect me to get up now. .. " from Cooper. .. but Teegan tickled him till he got out of bed...

Not much breakfast was eaten... far too excited. ..

Dressed ..

Off across the road to see his God-parents....then off to pick Granny up...

We were only meant to be at the school for 9.30... but we were early & got to see all the other excited little ones... didn't see any of the kids crying...

We got in to his classroom got him organised & we were told... "you can go now I'm fine..."

So we went & had a coffee in the canteen with the other parents...

At 12.30 I picked him up.... teacher said he was organising her.... sounds like Cooper. ... but he was absolutely fine...

He couldn't get everything he'd done out fast enough. .. but said he's happy to go back tomorrow. ... phew. ...

Now to try & get him to bed early tonight.

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