Elective in India

By Niebunuo

First delivery

I had my last day on labour ward today, and I was able to conduct my first ever delivery- I had such a great feeling afterwards. Before coming here I was 60% sure I wanted to go into ObG, after today it's 90%!
This is my last night in Mysore, and I'm sad to leave. My bags are packed, my last minute shopping is done and the hotel is paid for. My room looks sad and empty now, except the pile of sweets and medical supplies I'm dropping off at the hospital tomorrow.
Fingers crossed my assessment goes well tomorrow, and then I'm off to Bangalore for a few days before I fly home.
Today's blip is of a fruit vendor selling slices of mango. People sprinkle the slices with a masala mix, I was tempted to try it but after last weeks illness, I thought it was best not to risk it (especially so close to my flight!)

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