That's it

Just a thought British Telecom but if you hadn't made me spend over four hours on the phone and wait two weeks while you tried to sort out why you'd been charging me £14 a month too much for the past couple of years then there's every chance I might enjoy the experience just a bit more.

No refund but hey, thanks for agreeing to waive the £6.32 delivery cost for the new wireless hub as " a gesture of goodwill" even though it's replacing a hub you no longer support and that is on a tariff that no longer exists.

It's actually taken just under a year to get to this point and they've bludgeoned me into submission with their inefficiency, lack of internal communication and incredibly long call waiting system. In fact, that's their strategy I reckon. Be so crap, uncommunicative and badly organised that in the end we just give in because we actually have lives to lead.

Booking a trip to the sunshine as a consolation prize.

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