Busy day getting everything set up for a week away. Plants to move into the shade and soak, the contents of the fridge and garden to freeze, confit or otherwise preserve, and .... hmmmmm .... I'm sure there's something else. Oh yes, packing. Ah well I'm sure where we're going all I need is swimmers.
Mr B arrived back just in time to do battle with the printer for tomorrow's boarding passes. And to comment on the super- clean oven. Actually his only comment was "why's the shelf in the wrong way", but we'll gloss over that or two days inhaling caustic soda might feel pointless...
Now we're just emptying the fridge of what will not keep and cannot go with us (I mean chocolate truffles) before a hopefully early night.
Oh, and the photo. This is the back end of town. I plan to introduce you all more properly to our local town, Lavaur, as the autumn sweeps in and flower blips are less easy to come by. This was taken on a leisurely stroll back from the library, where the kids entered a special summer library raffle and each won... a bag of books to borrow for 3 weeks.
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