horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

What Better Way To Start a Monday Morning?

A wee ride up Arthur's Seat first thing as a wee nod to the fact that I'm feeling a damned sight better as far as lurgy goes, and I need to get some hill training in. Mind you, the climb is only a mile or so long, so I need to start doing 6 laps to replicate the Bealach Na-Ba...

T'was a choice between this, and John White, Big Issue seller, who asked me to take his picture. We had a bit of a chat, and I found out a bit more about the mag, and he enquired as to the cost of my cycling troos... But the cycling shot swung it as being a nice moment of relaxation in the morning.

Because once in the office it was all kinda swept away for one reason or another, with things reflecting badly on me despite them being from a time before I was even with the company, or from a couple of weeks ago when I wasn't in cos I was ill (it would appear it's my fault a document wasn't stamped as received by reception on that particular day).

A big thing I've been dealing with for the company has been handed over from one director to another, a few days before some documents have to be delivered, and he, naturally, has a completely different way of working so everything has to be redone, or there's a different emphasis with different aspects of the matter being seen as the most important, and he won't have a go at the original director for mistakes that he might have made so I'm in the firing line instead.

One more reminder that I'm not a lawyer here, but rather a skivvy scapegoat. Even more annoyingly, once again my legal advice was seen and listened too, then swept away because they wanted an opinion from external lawyers, which then matched exactly what I had been saying before. It's frustrating being in a meeting and seeing your boss nodding sagely and acting as if it's the first time he's heard of a particular course of action or legal concept, knowing you'd told him the same thing just 24 hours before.

And today was supposed to be as relaxed as the end of last week because the boss is actually out of the office. Never works that way!

I might go up Arthur's Seat again on the way home...

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