
It seems a long time ago since I took this photograph this morning, when we went for a morning perambulate. We were in St Mark's Park, doubtless bickering over whether we predicted that the particular combination of paths we took this morning would lead to an outcome just over or just under 4kms. It was just under for the record.

Since then, I've been locked to the computer trying to finish this piece of writing. I have one more day tomorrow, but not an evening as we are festivalling tomorrow evening with a friend who has hopefully now arrived in Edinburgh.

Next time I visit St Mark's Park, I might take a photograph of the border seeded for the urban pollinators project. I just noticed the notices up about it today, although they've probably been there months. So I ended up looking it up, and what an interesting project it is too! I haven't seen too many of the non-bee pollinators, but I've certainly seen plenty of bees this year. In fact, I spent quite a few minutes this morning unsuccessfully photographing them. I don't seem to have the knack.

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