The World of Katcal

By Katcal

Holiday Day 2

First day of our holiday saw me and mum setting off for Salisbury with a couple of stops along the way.

First stop was Stratford Upon Avon, we had a nice wander round and spent some time in the Holy Trinity Church where Shakespeare's grave is, it's a fantastic building, the architecture is stunning. We had lunch in a very old tea room (luckily the quiche was fresh!) we then headed to Bourton-on-the-Water, which is a lovely little village (where I saw this sign which made me laugh) it is very picturesque. Ending at Stoford, where we are staying, surprisingly we got an early glimpse of Stonehenge (one of the places on the list for tomorrow)

Watched the ISS satellite go over, didn't see any shooting stars or meteor shower though, and discovered I'm useless at getting pictures of it, I need to practice star shots I think!

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