
By DaveWhitecliff

Minster Court

In London again: lawyers today, telly tomorrow.

Minster Court is a looming hulk of postmodern gothic architecture from the early 1990's. Actually I am quite fond of looming hulks. I think it's an interesting structure, but the mauve/pink external stone cladding really dates it. If you're going to do a mock-Norman pseudo cathedral (and it would not be wide of the mark to describe this building as a Temple of Mammon, just one of many such in the Square Mile) you may as well go the whole hog and make it look like old-school medieval grey stone.

Also, there are no gargoyles. That can only be a bad thing. If they'd asked Tim Burton, I'm sure he could have helped design them some. Probably of tortured-looking underwriters.

I took this photo while stood in Mincing Lane. I think maybe I like the name of the Lane more than I like the building.

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