The day to start is today

By Traci

It is never too late

“ to be what you might have been.”
― George Eliot

Quiet day today, with everything and everyone seemingly running a day behind. Last night didn't help when hubby came home looking like a marshmallow man, allergic reaction to something and his face looked as if it had been in the hands of a very bad plastic surgeon - I was absolutely livid however after finding out he was sort of ok - he drove himself to hospital from work where they could see how his face was reacting and he was wheezing (???), stayed there for 2 hours on his own (he was fast tracked !!!!) and then he drove home on the motorbike - lucky to be able to get his helmet off by the time he got back and is now on steroids and antihistamines for 5 days !!! Most of it was his fault by continuing to tell people that he was ok but in my books he most definitely wasn't - looks like we are going to have to sort him out with an epi pen before he blows up again ???

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