Top day

Mummys Summer holiday club was on turbo boost today.

Long play first thing followed by the Cheerios for breakfast they've been nagging me for for ages! Hang out the washing, pop some petrol in the car and we're off...

Destination : Marple

An education (and utter fascination despite the fact they've stood and watched the same process more times than I can remember!) at the canal side watching a house-barge rising up through the locks. This time however the explanation of what happens, why and how it works flicked a switch for Miss B - She grasped it and was very impressed!

Then Greggs (That's not a typo, I am shamed!) for sarnies and juice for a picnic on a bench in the park.

Playground time. A long, long playground time before off to Costa for a scrummy cake and a loo!

What next? : Toymaster with the Summer spending money Grandma had sent the kids. Oh the AWE upon entering the shop!!!
They spent up!

Back to the park, more playground fun, back to the car along the canal for Jaffa cakes and juice and the journey home just in time for tea.

Were they pooped? Oh Yes!

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