A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Big skies.

Today we were meeting the caterer for Grace and John's wedding.

We started with a visit to the florist to deliver some things. They had their photos on the wall in preparation and boxes ready for their flowers labelled Mr and Mrs Macdonald!

This is the view back across the valley to the village of Laycock where the reception is taking place. It is a very pretty village and deserving of a photograph but I hadn't really looked at this amazing sky till I looked through the viewfinder. It just shows that I don't look up often enough.

We gave ourselves a chilling moment by returning home via Lady B's for lunch. We sat outside and here I did notice this amazing sky.

Down to it again this afternoon with lots of preparation activities and then a further chill session at the pub.

It's alright this wedding lark!

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