Foodies Festival

Fiona (aka Emma, according to Virn) mentioned Foodies a few weeks ago, we all had the day off, so we all went and got hammered! There was a pint in an old mans pub on Rose st to begin, then it was onto the rum coconuts at the park! There were a few of them before the Ale. Then it was on the Oyster tasting, cheese tasting, any other food tasting. We then fell in love with a dinner beer created by Estrella. LUSH! Finally we had some run from the Rum Bus, before drinking a bottle of Estrella in the park on the way home...not sure if they should have renamed it DRINKIES festival for us...

Tremendous day that ended up with us all back in Dunfermline at a club, but safe to say, despite Emma's best intentions that did not last too long, V and I were pooped by 1130pm - 12 hours after the first drink. My official first all day bender, loved every second of it!

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