
By Mikey88

Checking things out

Dull and rainy today and as I had to take my son to work and then pick him up, I just went down to the river after dropping him off, parked on the quay and took pictures from the car window until it was time to go and pick him up.

Initially, there wasn't much about as the tide was in, but as it began to drop, a range of gulls began to appear. I had the 2x extender on, so if the gulls weren't too far away, I could get some frame filling shots. I worked on catching the gulls in flight and ended up with about thirty useable shots out of two hundred. Not bad, considering I was handholding the equivalent of an 800mm telephoto lens!

The bird in the picture is a juvenile black headed gull. There were also herring gulls, yellow legged gulls and juveniles of both. A buzzard put in a brief appearance, as did a greenshank and some sandpipers.

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