Nellie....and L this time!

So today I.....washed the car inside and out.....washed the windows inside and out.....went for a picnic up the glen to the same wee spot that Nellie and I went yesterday but this time with L.

L was very hardy and went in swimming shortly after this was taken....I would have like to have used a picture of her face just as she found out how cold it was but she wouldn't let me!!

The weather was very kind to us and I know it might be a bit unimaginative to blip the same place again but we have to make the most of the sun while we can. You may see similar blips again soon!!

Tonight L and I are on our own so we did what any self respecting girls would do...L made more strawberry tarts....we.painted our nails....watched a romantic/weepy film and drank a cocktail....or in L's case a mocktail!!

Happy Wednesday!

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