Corn....almost ready!

What a day at the market.....hopping from the beginning till the end...thank god i unloaded that kiln late last night!

I've been surrounded by the music of one of my absolute favorite's ok, it's NOT "she who can't be named" this warning is really for Andy .....this is my real, deep in my heart favorite singer.....Ferron! I've been listening to this woman for over 30 years now, and have seen her in concert many times (even spent a drunken evening dancing with her - now that was awesome!)....she's Canadian, and has been hailed the female equivalent of Leonard Cohen! Actually she affects me even deeper that Cohen does, and i love Him! I haven't listened to her for a little know how it is, there's a bunch of CD's beside the player and somehow i just keep switching between them! well, i was taken back to her when i got a call from a very dear and wonderful friend who i haven't spoken to in about 9 years! Haven't seen him in almost 15 years, but we had a pretty strong connection back about 20 years ago! He tracked me down thro Google, and it was such a thrill to hear his voice! He had been listening to Ferron and decided to try and track me down! I'm just amazed at how the sound of a familiar voice can throw you right back to that time and space!!!

Anyhow, i've been listening to her for the past few days, pretty well non stop, now i have to go find all the other cd's i have of hers!

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