With a sigh we are nearly there...

Off we go, camping around Europe, well at least bits if it! The last few days have been shall we say, manic as we pack for a 7 person camping trip and release ourselves from our business. Certainly no time to take images...

But we left! Only 1 hour late and after a period where Steve and I mutually decided it was best we ignored each other if there was any hope we might actually go on this trip together!

Down to London to meet up over dinner with my dear childhood friend over from Hong Kong with her boys. Fantastic if far too short catch up and then off to a hotel before our far too early Eutotunnel crossing!

Sienna has set up home in her bed and is now rabbiting on in her usual verbal brain drop of random thoughts and I'm being told to stop blipping!

Tomorrow the relaxing might begin?!

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