Fairley's Pharmacy
I've been smitten with this drug store for a long time, don't ask me why - something about the old and new combined in a sweet way, I suppose. I see it on my way to and from the airport, but rarely do the stars align so that I have my camera at hand, a long enough stop light and a clear shot with no cars parked in front. Today was the day!
The painted window signs in the middle proclaim Fairley's celebrating 100 years! I love that they provide wi-fi AND Rx delivery, espresso AND a soda fountain. According to their website, "Fairley’s ... operates one of the last functioning soda fountains in the state. Our fountain has an extensive menu of espresso drinks as well as milkshakes, malts, colas and phosphate sodas." I also love that they're still an independent pharmacy - so rare in times of the Walmarts and Costcos driving out small businesses.
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